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Here at St Polycarp’s Catholic Primary School, we have considered the knowledge, skills and attitudes that are required to achieve academic progress in each subject from EYFS to Year 6 and beyond. Pupils in each year group receive a coherent, rigorous, and well sequenced curriculum, which builds on what has come before and supports children with their next steps.

The curriculum at St Polycarp’s is rooted from the strongest available evidence about how pupils learn and retain knowledge in the long term, focusing on research from cognitive science.


At St Polycarp's...

  • Planning is built upon the development of key skills and knowledge.
  • Reading is prioritised as it enables access to the curriculum.
  • The spiritual development of the child is central to our Catholic ethos.
  • We deliver a rich curriculum where the arts, humanities, physical activity and outdoor learning are valued.
  • Cross-curricular links are developed to make learning meaningful and relevant to the real world. 
  • A mastery approach is adopted to ensure opportunities for learning are maximised.

Please follow the link to our Learning & Teaching Policy.