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About the role of Governors

Governors work as a team called the governing body. 

There are 4 types of governor on the board at St Polycarp's, each representing one of the key bodies which support the school:

  • Surrey Local Education Authority
  • The Diocese (Foundation Governors)
  • Staff Governors
  • Parent Governors

The 3 core functions of the governing board are:

  • Ensuring clarity of vision, ethos and strategic direction
  • Holding executive leaders to account for the educational performance of the organisation and its pupils, and the performance management of staff
  • Overseeing the financial performance of the organisation and making sure its money is well spent

There are 2 main committees and each one meets once every term:

  • Pupil Experience Committee
  • Finance Committee

Current Governing Body

Martin Parr Chair - Diocese 12 NOV 2028 11 NOV 2026
Paula Best Headteacher - Ex Officio 1 SEP 2018 -
Martyn Peebles Staff Election 2 SEP 2019 1 SEP 2027
Tess de Jouvencel Staff Election 28 SEP 2023 27 SEP 2027
Maggie Putland Local Governing Committee 12 NOV 2018 1 NOV 2026
Emma Firth Local Governing Committee 20 SEP 2021 19 SEP 2025
Naomi-Claire Lowe  Local Governing Committee 5 MAY 2022 4 MAY 2026
Claire-Gee Nyland Local Governing Committee 5 MAY 2022 4 MAY 2026
Jennifer Sullivan  Parent Body 14 SEP 2021 13 SEP 2025
Hayley Snishko Parent Body 2 NOV 2023 1 NOV 2027
Simon Shaw Parent Body 17 JAN 2024 16 JAN 2028
Joanna Croney Parent Body 17 JAN 2024 16 JAN 2028

Contact the Governors

If you wish to contact the governors you can either write to the school for the attention of the chairman of the governors, Mr Martin Parr or email us.

Minutes of Governors Meetings

The minutes of all meetings held by the governing body are available to view at the school office by arrangement.