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Active School

At St Polycarp’s we want to ensure that all our children are physically and mentally fit in order to promote healthy lifestyles and resilience’s for life. We believe by our children physically active through our school being an Active School, leads to our children obtaining more achievement with our success criteria, better grades, school attendance, cognitive performance, and classroom behaviours. Our staff have all been trained in outdoor learning and plan many lessons using our outside environment to enhance our children’s learning. 

Competitive School Sport

St Polycarp's aim to provide competitive sporting opportunities as they arise for our more able, talented sporting children as they move through the school. Please note most opportunities that we are invited to compete in are for the older children in the school. For our younger children we offer experiences of Festival sport through our local school’s federation.


Sports Teams, Events, Training and Selection



We aim to make this process clear and transparent to children, parents, staff and coaches who are involved in training or taking children to sports competitions, matches, festivals and other P.E. , sport and active events on behalf of the school. 

Children may be required to trial out for the some events throughout the year. The children will be given notice and the trials will be carried out by the P.E Department.

Selection for all sporting events will be based on the following:

  • Performance
  • Commitment
  • Attitude

Note, the type of events vary and may be targeted at a specific audience. There may be restrictions placed by the organisers such as how many girls, how many boys, how many children with specific needs etc.  

Higher events: competitive sports squads and teams for children who display a real talent for a certain sport and which may lead to district, county or even national pathway events.

Aspire events: which are for those who show a potential or a real enjoyment and passion for a particular sport.

Inspire events: planned to introduce children to a variety of sports, active festivals and multi- sport events.

Sports Leadership opportunities: At various points during the year there will be sports leadership opportunities for different age groups. The P.E. department, in consultation with class teachers, will select children for this. Some may demonstrate good leadership qualities in school, some may be chosen in order to develop confidence, self esteem or for team building.



We would like you to be aware that our staff volunteer to offer sports clubs, take teams to competitions and active events in addition to the set P.E. and games lessons.

We try to attend as many opportunities as we can when invited; but please bear in mind this can only happen if staff volunteer to give up their planning and marking time, breaktimes, their free time before, after school and at weekends.

We are really blessed at St. Polycarp’s to have such dedicated staff who go the extra mile to ensure our children can experience as many sporting and active opportunities as possible.


We rely on goodwill of parents to volunteer to help transport children to events.


Range of Sports and Selection process



District Sports –Summer Term

All the children in each KS2 year group will be raced during the school day within their year groups to determine the fastest children, children who can throw the furthest distance and children who can run long distances.

  • Children can opt to trial for this event
  • The trial will be held in school time


Sportshall Indoor Athletics- Spring Term

This is a KS2 event and usually for upper KS2. The number of children we can take varies. Children will be trialled for this event.


Open cross country races are organised at Farnham Park in October and May for the twelve schools who are part of the Sports Association. There are two races, a KS2 girls’ and a KS2 boys’ in the event. It is open to all children in KS2 who are interested in competing.

Children will be selected for ‘Higher’ running events based on daily run data, places gained at the open cross country events and knowledge of the children’s running performance at the cross country club.


League Team Y6: For our competitive league team, trials will take place in school in September.

Y6 & Y5: who would like to be considered for future football matches, festivals and tournaments may attend Thursday football training  for the Autumn and first half of the spring term.  Chelsea coaches, along with the P.E Department will run these training sessions and will make the selections. The selections for matches will be based on performance, attitude and commitment alongside what children demonstrate in their P.E & Games lessons.

Y5/6 Girls Football:

League Team Y6: For our competitive league team, trials will take place in school in September.

Girls will be selected from this club using the Higher and Aspire criteria for future football matches, festivals and tournaments.

Y4, Y3, Y2 and Y1 Football:  

Chelsea coaches and the P.E Department will select children based on performance and attitude in football based games lessons. Training sessions will run in school prior to the event where possible. Note some events for this age group are aspire or inspire events and the criteria may not allow us  to take the more able footballers.


A mixed cricket club for Y5 and Y6 will run in the summer term. A selection of children from the club will be selected for Aspire cricket events depending on the criteria requested by the event organisers. For a ‘Higher’ competitive event children will be trialled or selected based on performance, commitment and attitude shown in both P.E. lessons and the club.


In March, St. Polycarp’s host an Aspire KS2 gymnastics district competition for our twelve district schools. The competition is run for children who train for less than two hours a week at an outside club.


League Team Y6: For our competitive league team, trials will take place in school in September.

Y6 & Y5: Children who would like to be considered for future netball matches, festivals and tournaments may attend Wednesday Netball training  for the Autumn and first half of the spring term. The P.E Department will run these training sessions and will make the selections. The selections will be based matches will based on performance, attitude and commitment alongside what children demonstrate in their P.E & Games lessons.

Please note only 8 children will be selected as we play High Five netball not 7 a-side.


There will be a Y6 district rounders tournament in the summer term. We enter a team of nine children, four girls and five boys with an additional male and female sub.

The P.E Department  will run trials during school time for the team selection. This is a ‘Higher’ event for more able rounders players and the selection will be based on performance and attitude.

Note we may be able to enter a second Y6 team and occasionally a Y5 team have also been invited.

After selection the children will be expected to be committed to attending a  before school rounders training club for the tournament.


The P.E Department will run swimming squad for talented, more able swimmers on a Monday before school.

If the children were in the squad last year, then they do not need to re-trial – they are in the squad until Y6 unless you choose to withdraw them.

Note the squad is a ‘Higher’ squad and the children need to be more able swimmers. The criteria will be outlined in the trial letters.

At the trial, the fastest most skilled children will be chosen for the limited places. The P.E Department and  a swimming coach will trial the children.

There will be a competitive KS2 swimming gala for the twelve schools from our district sports association in February.

For the gala itself the children will be selected from the squad on performance, commitment and attitude for each race bearing in mind the organisers criteria for how many races a child can enter.


Rugby clubs will be run by a coach Mr Thompson from Farnham Rugby Club. (He is also a P.E. teacher.) alongside other Rugby clubs in school run by the P.E Department.

We are invited to a variety of rugby events during the year. For competitive higher events the team will be chosen by the P.E Department in consultation with Mr Thompson based on performance, attitude and commitment.

Some events will be aspire or inspire and then the staff on the P.E Department will select children they feel that would benefit from the event.


Teams will be selected on their performance , attitude, commitment and performance in P.E curriculum lessons.


We belong to the Farnham Confederation infant sports association and during the year, KS1 children will be invited to participate in a variety of sporting activities with other confederation schools. These are after school events and parents will be expected to transport their children and stay at the event. The P.E Department or one of the KS1 teaching staff will also attend the events. If a higher event, Mrs Ramsden will select the children based on performance , attitude and commitment whilst participating in P.E.


Across the year we are often invited to Higher, Aspire and Inspire competitions and festivals such as Floorball or Dodgeball.

Depending on the requirements of the event the P.E. Department will select who is going to attend the event.

It may be a ‘Higher’ more able event where there is a trial.  If this is the case the children will be selected on performance, commitment and attitude. If there is a club running for that sport it may be that the staff member selects from that club on performance, commitment and attitude depending on criteria for the event.

Children may be selected for showing a particular passion for a sport, some because we want to introduce them to a sport and some because it would be good to develop their confidence, self esteem or team building skills.


In the Spring term all Y5 children have a swimming assessment session, where they are assessed against the National Curriculum. Any children unable to swim 25 metres on both their back and front or lack water confidence will receive swimming lessons. These lessons take place on a Monday morning. They will be assessed again and if necessary, continue swimming until Y6. 

Talented swimmers from Y3 to Y6 are trialled and given the opportunity to train with our elite swim squad. This training takes place before school on a Monday led by qualified swimming coaches supported by teaching staff. At present the squad consists of 30 children. Yearly in February we enter a competitive event and compete in the District School's Annual Swimming Gala. 


The Daily Mile! Combating childhood obesity one step at a time - BJSM blog  - social media's leading SEM voice

The Daily Mile

St Polycarp's an integral part of our school ethos is to teach our children to live healthy, active lives. Our aim is that all our children are both physically and mentally fit and are taught the principles of developing healthy lifestyles for life.

At St Polycarp’s we participate in The Daily Mile every day.  The children run for 15 minutes every day unless the weather conditions are unsafe to run. EYFS start running 5 minutes a day and build up to 15 minutes a day by the end of the summer term.

The children enjoy and look forward to the ‘active brain break ‘The Daily Mile offers. Its fully inclusive and helps promotes children being aware of their health, whilst building self esteem and confidence in being regularly active.


A green and blue building with red and blue painted on it

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Active Playgrounds

At St Polycarp's we have a culture of active playtimes. The classes are timetabled to use the trim trails, the football goals, the netball and basketball nets and the multi-use sports area every playtime. There are dedicated playground leaders that lead children in fun physical games every playtime. On each playground there is an active play shed with pupil monitors distributing active play equipment. At lunchtime our sports leaders run active games in a dedicated Active Zone area. On Friday lunchtimes both the KS2 and KS1 children have a very active playground disco led by one of our P.E. team.