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Buy a Brick Campaign


Buy a Brick Campaign – Hall Extension

The hall is moving along at pace, and we are on schedule to begin using the hall again on 22nd April 2025.  To help provide some extra financial support to the finishing touches to our new school hall, as well as allow parents, staff and friends of St Polycarp’s, both past and present the opportunity to have their name or message permanently displayed on the wall, we are offering the opportunity to purchase a brick.

For £50 minimum donation you can purchase a personalised engraved brick slip which will be displayed in the new teaching hall once decoration is complete.  Each brick slip will contain 2 lines of text with a maximum of 16 characters (including spaces and punctuation) per line and will be produced on charcoal bricks slips with gold engraving.  The bricks will be very similar to the ones you will have seen on the wall in our main school entrance.  There is also a sample available for you to view at the school office.

Please note – the deadline for ordering your brick or bricks is Friday 25th April 2025.

The display will form a lasting testament to those who attended and supported St Polycarp’s over the years and will help us to transform our wonderful new space.  If you would like to be a part of the brickwork and support this fundraising initiative you can purchase a brick in one of two different ways:

Existing parents can purchase a brick via ScoPay.  You will find the fundraising campaign under trips and events.

For those who are in our wider community, previous parents and friends of the school, you can purchase a brick via our CAF donate account using your name and BRICK as reference.

Please complete this form so we have details of the engraving you would like on your brick.

Thank you for your support.